About project

Electromobility and smart grids. These are central terms of the project Qualifications for the third millennium in electrical engineering (Q3MEE) arising under the Erasmus+ programme. Eight partners from 5 European countries got together in a challenging project. The coordinator SSEE Sokolnice, therefore, leads a team consisting of Czech vocational electrical engineering schools and one Slovakian and training centres from Spain, Italy and Germany.

This innovative project, which is being implemented within 3 years since 01/09/2016 till 31/08/2019, connects the newest technological trends with the need of the labour market for qualified labour force. The international partnership, therefore, responds to a demand originating from the development of new technologies and related need to reflect this technological progress also in the vocational education.

The project’s ambition is to approximate education in different countries and ensure its comparability across Europe.  Five educational modules for the fields of electromobility and smart grids will be created with a potential to be included in officially recognized profession qualifications

These modules are:

  • The mechanic of charging stations
  • The repairman of the electric motors of electric cars
  • The repairman of electric components of electric cars
  • The mechanic of smart grids with specialization in distribution grids
  • The mechanic of smart homes

Each module will be supported with educational materials and e-learning course accessible to wide public. Interactive study materials in several language variants will allow remote access for those interested from different parts of Europe. Completing the modules participants will get valuable knowledge and skills highly appreciated by employers in power industry.

This way, module participants will increase their qualification and employability not only in a national but also in a European labour market.

The potential of the educational materials and modules will be pilot tested on target groups of employees, students of vocational schools and candidates for work in respective fields, in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Spain and Italy.

This project is financially supported by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ programme and registered under the number 2016-1-CZ01-KA202-024017.